The Aim of Expository Preaching
Visit Koller says the aim of expository preaching is to persuade its hearers to conform to the will of God. Its goal is reconciliation and fellowship of humanity with its loving Creator. The message also has other objectives once salvation has been secured. Koller lists seven:
1. Consecration – commitment to living for Christ.
2. Indoctrination – to learn the way of Christ.
3. Inspiration – to promote the spirit of praise and thanksgiving.
4. Comfort – the imperative to repent and acknowledge God’s forgiveness.
5. Strengthening – confirmed and fortified in the faith.
6. Conviction – share the truth of God with other needy people.
7. Action – to become “doers of the Word.”
Preaching’s aim is to communicate the Word of God to all people where they are.
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