Thursday, September 23, 2010

Social Media and The Gospel


Someone recently said to me, “Facebook, Skype, and other social media sites are nothing more than places where lonely men and women go to hook up.” I replied, “That’s like saying the only reason some people go to sporting events is to visit the concession stand.” There are some Christians in this life who are so sin-sensitive that they can’t see the expanding opportunities to share God’s message of forgiveness right in front of them (literally).

Sin abounds. There is no doubt. But so does opportunity. It is sort of like that old expression, “It is all in how you look at it.”

I am thankful for my Facebook and Skype accounts. There are indeed some “interesting” people there. But I can’t go to Walmart or take a walk in my neighborhood without seeing the reality of sin in people’s lives. If I used the logic of my friend who warned me of the ills of social media, then I guess I should avoid Walmart too. I shouldn’t go on walks. I shouldn’t go to sporting events. I shouldn’t do anything.

I shared with my concerned friend that I have had more one-on-one ministry involvement on social media than in person in recent days. I can’t explain it, but oftentimes when people learn that I am a pastor/minister they open their lives up to me. In chat rooms and on Skype lines they ask the questions we ministers wish everyone would ask.

A few days ago a man I have only met through Skype asked me if I would talk to his wife about the Lord (via Skype). They live in another state. She was an unbeliever. He had tried for years to share Jesus with her, but she wouldn’t receive it from him. I readily agreed. The next morning at 5 a.m., I sat in my office with my headset on and chatted with Thomas and Eve. I asked Eve to tell me what she thought of Thomas and his relationship with Jesus. She said, “It is good for him and I wish I could come to understand it.” I will restrain from sharing the entire conversation. But I will tell you that I shared the simple gospel message to her. I shared the basic, simple gospel message of God’s love, our sin, and Jesus’ cross. Educated people keep telling me that post-modern people are so different. I rarely agree. Because this post-modern woman, over a Skype line, became broken and convicted by the Holy Spirit because of that “old, old, story.” As I led her in prayer I could hear that she and her husband were shedding tears of brokenness and joy. After her “amen” she celebrated the Lord Jesus. In fact, all three of us did. It was a beautiful re-birth! AWESOME GOD!

Yeh, stay away from Facebook, Skype, and all other social media. While you are at it, throw away your television, move far away from your neighborhood, avoid Walmart at all costs, and go live in seclusion. Isn’t that what Jesus did? No, not quite. It seems that I am reminded of how upset the “righteous” people were when He hung out with the publicans and sinners in “social” situations. “Hey Jesus, don’t you know that being social can corrupt you?”

God bless you.

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